Daniel Levin Becker suggested writing a truncated version of the récapitul ” a fixed poetic form created by Jacques Jouet in 2010.” For this “petit récapitul portatif:
- The poem consists of 10 lines total, in a 3-3-3-1 stanza distribution.
- Each line is 9 syllables long. No meter is required.
- The lines do not rhyme.
- After each three-line stanza comes a list, in parentheses, of three words taken from one of each of the lines in the preceding stanza.
- The poem is dated and addressed to a specific person (someone you know or someone you don’t).
Since I do not enjoy such formulaic exercises, I developed my own approach, based on DLB’s prompt to use random articles from Wikipedia, in which each line comes from a different article used in the order they were found. I kept to the language of the article rather than paraphrasing or /interpreting improvising from it and cited the title of the article in italics at the end of each line.
BTW: I admit I am no math genius, but I do not understand the 3-3-3-1 when ten articles actually would produce an even number of lines, given the formula. So, WTH, I offer instead a 3-1, 3-1, 3-1 = 12 lines. Plus a day late, again. Sigh.
April 23, 2016 Choreography for Albert Einstein
One can see the continuity. Nikilaos Lavdas
Stop in the borough of Media, Olive St., SEPTA Route
deprived of maintenance, and again Autodrome de Linas-Montlhery
(see media again)
there would be no consolation to Mukesh Kapila
a player who specializes, Lineman (Gridiron football)
does not want to believe the earth is The Kid from Hell
(no player does)
associated with tango music, Orquesta tipica
an interactive environment Katonah Museum of Art
to absorb or adsorb molecules. Sorbent
(tango interactive molecules)